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Uncategorized / January 1, 1970

Down the street and across the globe: Big moves for BTD!

To know where you're going, it's important to know where you came from. To that end, we can't believe it's been five years since we moved to our "new" Tremont Street digs!

Check out our announcement from 2013, when the BikeTours.com offices (then BikeToursDirect) moved to a new location in Chattanooga. Big things were happening then, and we can't wait for the big things that await us!


[caption id="attachment_629" align="alignleft" width="300"] Chattanooga staff in front of new offices (L-R: Lindsay, Natalie, Heather, Richie, Jim)[/caption]


Greetings from the new BikeToursDirect World Headquarters on Tremont Street in Chattanooga! We're really excited to be settling into our new office space -- and excited about the big moves BTD is making this season.

While we're an international company, our heart belongs in Chattanooga -- we needed just the right space to keep us in the Northshore neighborhood we love. So we were all ecstatic when a great office suite opened up just a couple of miles from our old office (and sandwiched between the staff's favorite pub and Mexican restaurant, no less!). The suite gives us all a lot more breathing room and a great shared space for meetings and brainstorming sessions -- plus room to grow even more!



[caption id="attachment_627" align="alignright" width="216"] Painting party! Tour specialists Richie and Heather and marketing director Natalie work on the hallway.[/caption]

The offices were in need of a little facelift, so the whole staff pitched in several nights and Saturdays for what we dubbed "painting parties." Gallons of fresh paint, rollers, drop cloths, pizza, and beer -- it was actually pretty fun! That's the nice thing about being part of a small company with big plans....nobody minds putting in some elbow grease to make things happen!

Our other HUGE move this season is the opening of our Asia satellite office in Daegu, South Korea. Asia tour specialist Lindsay left last week, husband and toddler in tow, and is settling in on the other side of the globe as I write this. She'll be blogging more about her big move and what it means for BikeToursDirect -- and you, our clients! So stay tuned!

Read more about the BikeTours.com team here >>

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